Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New's off of the Rhine River,  As America, France, Britain, Netherlands, Italy, and Spain are deciding how to react to Syria's use of Sarin Gas on Syria's own people,  Germany is gearing up for War.  War factories are building up to protect Germany's borders. Hungary has started buying equipment from other sources in an effort to protect Hungary's borders.  Switzerland has considered recalling troops from the Vatican in preparations of World War III.  Rumors of course,  till the press quits hiding the facts.  Might buy a couple of Gas Masks, just for looks.   

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Minute Man Invocation

  "In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me" - Psalm 27:5b

 "The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer." - Psalm 6:9

Minute Men USA

  Minute Men applications will now be on going in all 50 States.  
  The second amendment to the Constitution isn't about maintaining an Army, it is about maintaining a well regulated Militia; in protection of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If our politicians start getting carried away with spending money like water for other countries that don't want our help, would just as soon kill us as look at us, it is our duty to impeach the morons or use weapons the Second Amendment protects as our right to use against moronic politicians spending our money.  As for the President who was born in Kenya, the US Constitution states rather clearly,  that is against Constitutional Law.  Anyone supporting a President born in another country that is not a naturalized citizen should be arrested for aiding and abetting.
  Thankfully, the Liberal Commie Democrats were very nice in building Prisons in the 50 States that can house them. We have a place to put them, We have a reason to jail them, and we have the growing by the Numbers everyday Military to arrest them.
   Keep the dead from Voting,